Hi, everyone! It’s time for another update for the small sage who’s trying her best! (ง’̀-‘́)ง

It’s the last chapter for Arc 1!

How’s everyone doing right now? I hope you’re all doing great 🙂 I just moved back in my dorm because offline uni work is going to start. It was pretty tiring to tidy things up and I’m not even 100% completed yet, hahahaa :”D

I’m slowly picking up the pace in working again, hopefully I can get back to regular releases and stable update speed soon.

Join my Discord server to mingle with other readers! You can discuss the series there as well if you prefer chat discussion over comments, or if you simply want to have random chat with random strangers in the internet~

Don’t hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes in the translation, too, I will fix them~

Anyway, without further ado, click the button/image below to proceed to the chapter:

Take care and stay safe, everyone 🙂

Please don’t repost my translation anywhere else!