Hi everyone, I’m sorry to announce that updates might be delayed because my laptop is currently broken. It had bluescreens since weeks before but it was fixed by reinstalling the OS… But now, it’s literally broken as the partition/harddrive wasn’t even read… Can’t even reinstall OS or do anything so I might need to repair it at the service center.

Hopefully I’ll be able to use my old laptop temporarily until this current one’s fixed (…I hope it can get fixed…). It’s quite laggy and slow, but I hope it’s still useable. Still need to wait for it to get sent to my current address from my hometown, though.

I have backed up the important data to an external harddisk when it had bluescreens so I hope the data loss was kept to minimal.

How delayed might the update be? …depends on my old laptop’s performance (after it arrives in my place) and if my current laptop’s problem can get fixed asap. I’m announcing this uncertainty now so you guys will have an idea what’s going on just in case. Of course I will try to update asap ><

Thank you for understanding and I’m sorry for the inconveniences. My heart is so broken now to think that it’s broken as my laptop isn’t even that old yet… So disappointed it couldn’t last without any problem for a long time 🙁

Anyway, please pray for me (or for my laptop, to be more precise). Who knows the prayers will be heard :”)



TLDR: Updates might be delayed due to my current laptop being broken, have to use old laptop that’s currently being shipped to my place (from hometown) although it’s laggy/slow and I’m uncertain if it still works well. Wish me luck! T__T

[Written from phone :”)]