Hello, everyone!
It’s time for another update for “But God Forced Me to Reincarnate!”
A little bit of an update for the light novel publication.
As you may have already known, there’s a slight delay to the estimated delivery date. But everything should be ready soon and the digital rewards should be on your way in no time!
Let’s send some cheer to the CreativeNovel’s people to process and deliver the physical goodies soon!
Hopefully it will all be to your liking :3
I would like to give my thanks to you guys for all your support!
The light novel publication won’t happen if it weren’t for you all, and I wouldn’t have been able to write this novel up to this chapter.
Join my Discord server to talk about this series, my other series, or anything with me and the others!
And I hope you guys are doing fine!
Don’t hesitate to drop any comment or discuss it with me or the other readers~! They always motivate me to continue writing and are a form of your feedback towards my writing, so I can improve my future chapters and stories to be more enjoyable to you guys ^^
Without further ado, you can proceed~
If you want to read the previous chapter, click here.
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Or do you want to go to the Table of Content? Click this banner instead~
Happy reading and don’t hesitate to comment ^^
Comment Away~!