Hey, guys! It’s time for another update!
How are you guys doing? Hopefully you guys are doing alright! ^^
If you are my supporter in Patreon, you might have known that I had planned on releasing this update on my birthday… but sadly I’m around 2 days late to release this because I was kidnapped during my birthday and the day after 🙁
But I am happy I can finish this update and post it as soon as I am not being held hostage again XD
Do drop any comment to motivate me to translate more, even if it’s just a ‘Thank you for the chapter’ comment, it means a lot. And I do read them, yes ^^
You can also point out the differences the web novel has with the manga adaptation as I recently don’t have time to read the manga and see what are so different T__T
Also, join my Discord server to mingle with me and the other readers! You can discuss the series there as well if you prefer chat discussion over comments, or if you simply want to have random chat with random strangers in the internet~
Don’t hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes in the translation, too, I will fix them~
Please don’t repost my translation anywhere else! If you find someone uploading this somewhere else, please help me report them or tell them to take it down. Continue reading
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