Warning: I will insert my comments or tsukkomis ahead, but the color will be different than the chapter’s content~



Chapter 35

Lise’s Thoughts


Today as well, Lise couldn’t stand up straight, and so she couldn’t send Wizard off at the entranceway.

Lise remorsed over this morning routine of hers.

She thought that she wanted to be able to send him off every time, but she couldn’t do that because her body was being overused in the night.

She felt bad because she couldn’t clearly refuse him, but Lise still thought that she wanted to send him off properly, after all.

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She thought to discuss it with Vinan, but she didn’t want him to be aware of the reason why she couldn’t stand up straight.

(T/N: Oh Lise… Believe me, everyone should already know…)

As a matter of fact, everyone in the mansion has known why Lise couldn’t properly send Wizard off.

(T/N: As I thought!!)

Only Lise thought that they hadn’t found out.

Tonight as well, she would motivate herself to be able to clearly refuse him.

It’s not like Lise hates engaging in sexual intercourse with Wizard, but she can’t stand him for being excessively rough.

She is troubled over that.

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She entered the library, and once again took the book of the sexual relationship between a man and woman.

Even the sexual positions were being described in full details, accompanied with illustrations.

As she turned bright red from it, she continued to turn the pages until she found the page with a bookmark on it.

It seems that someone read this book with pleasure before.

When she looked at the page with the bookmark, it recorded the explanatory image of last night’s position.

“Could it be that… the one who read this book with pleasure was…”

It was exactly that could it be.

No matter how she thought about it, it couldn’t be anyone other than Wizard.

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When she turned the pages towards the ones before the bookmark, they were the records of the detailed explanation of the postures and things that they have been doing up until now.


In the middle of looking through the pages, Lise was astonished. Then, she put the book back to its bookshelf.

Thinking that today she would be forced to do it with an outrageous position, her face turned right from her shyness.

“Today, I will surely refuse it!”

Lise was determined.

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“Lise, I’m home.”

“W, welcome home.”

There was the smell of a soap from Wizard.

It seems that he has already taken a bath.

Lise also has already taken a bath in the evening, as the maids recommended her to bath in the evening.

Lise was sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

It was just the two of them alone, as they left Zard in the maids’ care.

“Lise, will you let me embrace you again, today?”

“N, not today.”


“The one who’s been reading the book about the sexual relationship between a man and woman is Wizard-sama, right?”


Wizard was surprised.

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“Do you also read that book, Lise?”

“No!! I was just studying a little bit since there was something I’m curious about. I’m not reading it diligently!!”

“I see… so you found out, huh.”

“Why do you read that book?”

(Wizard-sama seems to be experienced…)

“Actually, let me say it now, Lise is my first partner.”

“E, eeeh?!”

“I’m not being pretentious, it’s the truth.”

“I, I am your first…”

“Yeah. Moreover, since my face is like this, every woman will refuse being embraced by me.”

Lise feels like she has touched a subject that shouldn’t be touched.

Wizard was awfully feeling down.

“It was also my first time, so isn’t it wonderful that it’s our reciprocal first time?”

Being told that, Wizard turned bright red.

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“I’m glad that Wizard-sama is my first partner.”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Yes! But please stop pursuing the positions that this book recorded.”

Wizard was a bit shocked but he seemed to accept that.

“Why? There are a lot of things that can give us pleasure written there.”

“I think it’s good for us to just… being able to have s… sex.”


“That is why, don’t rely on this book and please just leave it to your instinct.”


Did he truly understand?

Lise doubted it.

Wizard approached Lise and held her in his arms.


“Which means, it’s okay for me to embrace you as I like it?”


(Why did it become like that~?!)

Lise’s nightdress was undressed by Wizard along with her underwear, leaving her naked.


“Lise, if you continue to scream like that, the maids will come, you know?”

(But you’re the one who caused me to raise my voice like that!!)

Lise protested in her mind.

Then, her resistance and persuasion bore no fruit again, as tonight she was embraced intensely again.

This chapter is translated by Convallaria’s Library (www.convallariaslibrary.com), so please continue to read there. Drop some comments to show your support over there. If you are seeing this, then that means you’re reading from another site that simply stole our translation, and you will keep seeing this message a few times.

I wonder what should I tell him so that it can get through him…?

By the way, there was still no change in how he did it.



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