
The Wolf Prince and the Ice Princess Chapter 17 Part 1

Adjustment: Changed Soru to Sol as it seems more appropriate. Sol in Latin means sun. Sol’s fur is golden…like sun? I feel like changing it to Sol so put that in mind. Also…Happy reading and please do leave some comments ^^


Chapter 17

Wolves are Creatures that Dote on Their Lover


Part 1/2

Then, night arrived.

It was night time.


It was a night where the maids couldn’t stop Reidrick from being lovey dovey with his fiancee.


“Sara-sama, the bath is ready for whenever you want it…”


After polishing up Sara’s whole body and helping her change into a thin sleepwear, the maids retired. Lamenting their helpless selves, they prayed so that Sara would safely see the morning sun…or if the morning sun was too far-fetched, then hopefully she would be awake by noon.


Before long, there was a knock to the room’s door.

Her waist was plastered on the bed as Sara whispered with teary eyes, “It’s not scary, all women go through this, and Reidrick is a kind person who loves animal, also someone who’s really popular among women, he shouldn’t be doing something cruel…It’s okay…,” then she gazed at the entrance.


“Sara, may I come in?”


Opening the door, Reidrick gently peered into the room.

He didn’t leap in with vigor like he usually did.

He was approaching Sara really, really gently as if he was approaching a wild animal. Then, he sat down on the bed with a slight distance to her.


“I’ve greeted your parents. The two of them seemed healthy, and they were glad with this engagement.”

“Well, is that so? Thank goodness.”


Sara’s expression softened as she was thinking about her parents in her hometown.


“This time, I didn’t have any leeway in time, but I’m thinking of going to the Illkia’s forest next time. I was invited by Father-in-Law to come during the monster hunting season.”

“Reidrick-sama is strong, so he must be anticipating your help.”

“Yeah, that’s right. …Sara, just call me ‘Rei’. That’s how those close to me address me.”


Reidrick said as he looked at Sara, still not closing in their distance.


“Rei-sama, is it?”

“There’s no need to use ‘-sama’. Just ‘Rei’ is fine. You are going to become my wife, after all.”


As he said that, Reidrick softly extended his hand, putting it neatly on Sara’s lap and lightly clapped his hand.

Then, he quickly withdrew his hand.



Sara became embarrassed for some reason as she tried to call him with a small voice.


“That’s right. Good job.”

This time, Reidrick was patting Sara’s head as if saying, ‘good girl, good girl’.

Then, he quickly withdrew his hand.

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“Sara, I think you may have noticed this, but…if you haven’t, then it might surprise you, but I, that, I think I really, really am fond of you.”

“Fond of me?”



Actually, it wasn’t just ‘fond’ of her, it was a feeling that [ I like, like, no, I love Sara so much that if she isn’t there, I will absolutely, absolutely die, that’s how much I love her, I wish I can embrace Sara, I want to make Sara’s everything mine, I want to do it right now, I want her to carry my child, give birth to it, then I want to lock her up forever in my arms, I love, love her, I want to lick her body all over, my cute Sara, I love you I love you I love you (this love is endless)], but if he were to suddenly convey everything to her, Sara would be scared. Thinking about it, Reidrick toned down his expression quite a lot.


“I’m so happy to be able to get engaged with you, and I’m thinking of spending time with you and getting along with you well…Along with Sol.”

“Uhm…Thank you very much. I, although I don’t know much about Reidrick-sama…about Rei, but you cherish Sol and I think that you are a good person.”

“Is that so?! That’s good to know, yes.”


Reidrick happily laughed.

He was itching to approach Sara and hug her (and the circumference of his hip was also itching as he wanted to shake his tail), but he managed to curb it down and preserved his distance with Sara.


“And so, I was wondering if we could get a little closer as a man and woman…what do you think?”

“Is…that so?”

“Then first, want to try sitting on my lap?”



Sara was looking at Reidrick blankly due to the sudden jump in their topic.


“I said, what do you think of sitting on top of my lap as one of the skinship between male and female? I heard that Sara often sat on Father-in-Law’s lap.”

“Eeh, well, certainly I did…But…”

“Right? I think it’s good for you to be intimate with me in a way you’re used to, Sara!”

“…Uhm, just what did you talk with my father about?”

“A lot of things. Also, you can be less formal when talking with me, for we will become a family in the future. Your father and mother also talk intimately, don’t they? Let’s do it like that. Okay?”


It was Reidrick’s tactics.

Sara had a phobia with men due to her past trauma. That was why, he was setting Sara’s parents—who had good marriage relations—as a role model. The figures of her parents that she had grown used to seeing for a long time was drilled to Sara’s mind, and if she were to think that married couples should act like that, she shouldn’t have felt scared towards her husband.


Incidentally, he also had an ulterior motive of overlapping his figure with her father, as her father was a male figure with whom Sara felt at peace.

And that led them to this proposal about sitting on his lap.


“Now, come, sit over here.”

Reidrick was tapping on his own lap as if urging Sara to sit on it.



“You’re a good girl, so try sitting on it on your own.”


Reidrick didn’t lift his own hand. He was silently looking at Sara while pointing at his lap as if he was watching over an alert animal to approach him at her own pace.

Sara was glancing at Reidrick’s face and lap before she slowly went down from the bed and walked slowly in front of Reidrick.


“Try sitting on it as if you were straddling a horse.”


Sara nodded at Reidrick’s gentle words, sitting on top of his lap as if she was straddling Reidrick’s legs.

When she raised her face, Sara was surprised because Reidrick’s face was closer than she thought.


“Whoops, you’re going to fall if you bend backward like that.”

In a fluster, she held on to Reidrick’s arms. She grasped the burly muscular arms tightly before letting them go in the next moment.


“I apologize, I…”

She wasn’t prepared to see Reidrick’s charming face at a point-blank range. Sara’s reddening face was reflected in his golden eyes that were like Sol’s.


“Hahaha, I don’t mind at all. You did well.”


The male’s big and warm hand was placed on her head. Sara hung her head in embarrassment as she was being treated like a child again by the man who was patting her head as if saying, ‘good girl, good girl’.

She was also embarrassed by the warmth of Reidrick’s body that she felt through her bottom.


“Now that it’s done, what about a kiss next?”


Sara opened her eyes in surprise upon hearing Reidrick’s words.


A kiss?

Me, to a man?



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  1. sithkazar

    Umm… I wonder if he meant her sitting on a house side saddle? That’s how most noble woman rode (I think?) That seams like an awfully big leap otherwise.

    • sithkazar

      *horse not house (I’m an idiot)

      • yorozuyaginchanblog

        Not if they wore riding gear. They straddle it with both legs if they wear a riding gear.

  2. Jazzy

    Thank you thank you thank you ??? you are one of my favorite translators. And I love this author. And you rock for finishing this ???

  3. mcmal143bb

    Thank you for picking this up!!!

  4. Dazz

    Thank you so much for picking this novel up!!❤❤❤

  5. Dazz

    Thank you for picking this novel up !! ❤❤

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