
Original Novel Survey (But God Forced Me to Reincarnate)

Alright, as the title serves, this is a survey for those who read my original series, But God Forced Me to Reincarnate!



And for those of you asking for my status… (if there is any), I’m working on Marietta’s sponsored chapter XD


Proceed for those who want to read this survey!





As for now, I normally release a chapter weekly without any word cap on each chapter.


And I realized I started to write more words per chapter as time went on and thought that perhaps I should have settled on a fixed length! If you try to take a look back, early chapters have less length than newer ones.


The average length for my early chapters = 1000-1500 words, but now you keep having around 2000+ words with some reaching 3000-3500 words.




Which is why I’m here to ask you guys which one you’d prefer, out of these options:


1. No change (1 chapter per week, no word cap)
  • This means I can even shove you a 3000+ or even 4000+ words per chapter, released once per week.
  • It maybe good if you want to read lots in one sitting, but this will cause your waiting time to be longer, and your reading time is longer, too.
2. Cap the words at 1500-2000ish per chapter, but release 2 chapters/week 
  • Fun fact: An average webnovel has 1500-2000ish words per English chapter, as far as I have observed.
  • You will get more frequent releases, which means you’ll see my update twice a week, though don’t expect to get a very lengthy chapter.


So, please vote on which one you’d prefer for the release frequency and word cap!


[poll id=”2″]


  • You have two weeks to vote (until 25 May), so vote away~
  • Any changes will be implemented starting from June.
  • Result will combine the votes cast on other platforms, such as ROW’s site and Patreon as well.


That’s all I have to say in this post, thank you for your attention ^^

Comment Away~!

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  1. Venalitor

    I really like to cozy up with a long chapter. The longer it takes me to get through, the more satiated I’ll be after. It’s not a strong preference though.

    • LynneSuzuran

      Thank you for the vote and opinion XD
      As everyone has different preferences, I am wondering which one will the majority agree with, so I’m creating this polling in hopes to understand what the readers prefer~

      And this release frequency/word cap vote options apply for the current schedule and condition, so in the future, I might increase the release frequency even more.
      For the word cap, it really adjusts to my writing and the plot, so who knows it might also get longer as time passes by. It’s been proven that my word length per chapter has increased, though ^^

      Thank you for letting me know your thoughts about it~!

      • Venalitor

        Though, considering it again, lessening dead air with greater release frequency might mean more audience engagement?

        I’m sorry I didn’t sleep over it. Pretty much a toss up to me now.

        • LynneSuzuran

          Yeah, each option has its own (+) and (-), which leaves me undecided on this matter… so I will let the majority vote decides XD

  2. kirindas

    I chose no word cap. I’ve done writing before and some scenes just end up larger than I imagine and I would write far past my normal goal cap because I didn’t want to cut it there. So I just feel it’s best to work without creative restrictions and just write as you please and cut where you please.

    • LynneSuzuran

      Thanks for the opinion!
      I can split it if a chapter turned out to be longer than the word cap, but let’s see how the vote goes XD

  3. aeiru28

    I prefer no word cap.

    • LynneSuzuran

      Thanks for the opinion! XD

  4. ohmariowv

    I voted for 2 chapters because I like getting more than one chapter a week. When I write my original novels, I normally strive for 10 pages on LibreOffice Writer without caring about the word count. Heck the most recent chapter of LGDK has 3,823 words (that’s excluding the chapter title). Sometimes I do more or less pages per chapter, but that depends on whether I can just use the excess for the next chapter or fit more stuff into the chapter I’m writing. The chapter of LSPL I’m working on is only at 9 pages but has a word count of 3,611 at the moment. It’s not done, but should be done later today. The whole point is I try to do stuff by page than by word count.

    • LynneSuzuran

      Thanks for the opinion XD
      Wait, 10 pages depend on the font size and spacing, too, so using pages as criteria might be vague in that regard… But thanks for also telling me the amount of words per chapter~! Makes me convinced that 3000+ words per chapter is also fine even for standard web novels.
      I don’t know how the voting’s result will be, but I also want to write more if possible XD

      • ohmariowv

        The in LibreOffice Writer is Liberation Serif at size 12 (it’s similar to Times New Roman). However, I use the Ubuntu font for my WordPress at the standard size. Still, I pretty much use what’s default in the settings for my posts. As for the words per chapter bit… you’re welcome.
        All I can say is that I hope you’re satisfied with the poll results.

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