We’re at chapter 69 already!

Time sure flies, and soon we’re going to hit 70th chapter release~! XD

Here’s your Lyra dose again~

Happy reading and don’t hesitate to comment! :3 I will definitely get back to each comment~



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[Level 1: Michelle, Bryan W,  NorAsma H, Riley R, Blasefall]

[Level 2: Danmaka, Sami]

[Level 3: Christiine G, Lucas J, ACertainFairyCase, Vaitea L, Paco, Janis N, Goddess_hera, Lumina R]

[Level 4: Browser, Venalitor, Patrick F, William C, blizgerg, wagtail, Hans-Andre S, Bigem S]

[Level 5: Skyler S]

[Level 6: Sir Hellington, Scott M, Jason D, Ryuuji, TimelyCrow]