It’s update time!

Before you go on to read the chapter, I have an important announcement to tell you about the future updates. I hope you will not skip reading this announcement so you will know what’s going on:

I will be staying at the hospital for the next 6 weeks (until the end of August) due to some sort of an internship there, so it might be hard for me to work on the updates as usual. Therefore, during the next 6 weeks, the updates might not go in accordance to schedule or they might be late. I hope you will understand and sorry for this inconvenience ><

Now, you can go to read the chapter :3 (If you have questions, you can ask me in this site’s Discord server)

As usual, click on the button/image below to go to the chapter~

Happy reading and don’t hesitate to comment! I will eventually respond to them all~! :3


Or do you want to go to the Table of Content? Click this banner instead~

Please support this story (and the other projects) by becoming a patron if you can~ It will help me allocate more time to work on the projects~! Regardless, thanks for reading and do drop any comment~ 😀

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Special thanks for every patron and reader~!

[Casual Supporter: Michelle, Bryan W,  Riley R, kirindas, George P, Mathieu C, NorAsma H, Alexandr Z, first last, Mark S, Olivia G, Jason S, Patrick F]

[FR Level 1: Danmaka, Sami, Ayesha]

[FR Level 2: Christiine G, Asuran, Paco, Goddess_hera, Blasefall, John D]

[FR Level 3: Browser, Venalitor, William C, blizgerg, wagtail, Hans-Andre S]

[FR Level 4: Skyler S]

[FR Level 5: Scott M, Ryuuji, TimelyCrow, Konstantin S, Andrew M]