
Comments Back?

Hi guys!

You know, I’ve been so lonely since there is no comment at all for new releases. But then someone told me in my Discord server that they can’t comment or their comment doesn’t seem to be accepted. I was so shocked and checked–and yes, that’s the issue!

So, I’ve tested it and changed some settings. Comments should be back now, I hope it’s all fine… But if there’s any issue, please tell me via comment–wait, if the issue is unable to comment, then I guess you can tell me via Contact or Discord ><

I apologize for this inconvenience (that caused me to suffer from loneliness T__T).

Now, flood me with comments as you will~!

Comment Away~!

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/convall1/public_html/wp-content/themes/hemingway/comments.php on line 16

  1. MagicMan

    Reinst is amazing

    • MagicMan

      Glad my comments went through

  2. Gackt1 and Cain

    No wonder… glad comment box back to normal now
    Thank you for the quick fix
    |= ͡° ᆺ ͡°)=
    \╭☞ \╭☞ U IS AWESOME!

  3. Mario Kaiba

    Hey, it’s been a while. And yes, gone through a username change. Anywho, I’m sorry. I just haven’t been reading much lately. I need to catch up on this one.

    • LynneSuzuran

      Yay, haha and I still recognize your name and I miss you, it’s been so long! ^^
      I hope you will catch up and still enjoy my story~ I don’t mind if you spam me with comments in the chapters, haha.
      PS: Please stay safe and healthy 🙂

  4. exqalph03

    Well, congratulations for the comments/replies getting back to normal now XD
    Take care, stay safe~!!!

  5. Apryl

    So that’s why my comments didn’t appear .. Oh well thanks for fixing things up!!

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