Hi, it’s time for another update!

Please take care of yourselves especially during this pandemic. I didn’t expect I’d get infected but I finally experienced the virus firsthand, hahaha.

Make sure to follow health protocol and get vaccinations if you can!


Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well and still enjoying this series. Don’t hesitate to drop any comment or discuss it with me or the other readers~! They always motivate me to continue writing ^^

By the way, feel free to join my Discord server to discuss the series and mingle with other readers~ :3


Without further ado, you can proceed~

If you want to read the previous chapter, click here.

Click the button below to proceed to the chapter! https://www.convallariaslibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Click-me..png


Or do you want to go to the Table of Content? Click this banner instead~


Happy reading and don’t hesitate to comment ^^