Special thanks to AO-san for commissioning me to translate this series and for letting me publish it for everyone to read 🙂

Yes, this is a commissioned translation, not a series I am picking up. Since there will be lots of parts later on, I have made the table of content here.

Feel free to comment below if you have any question, edit suggestion, or even any impression for the series/update itself!


Please don’t repost my translation anywhere else! If you find someone else posting this translation outside this site, please help me and report them or tell them to take it down if possible. 


Chapter 3

Choice as A Wife, Not as A Slave


Part 3/4

–The next morning.

Eleanor and the others–the four of them–worked hard in cleaning up the residential area that was still in an uninhabitable state.

“Hey-ho, hey-ho. It’s full of dust, isn’t it?”

“Are you alright, Eleanor? Don’t inhale too much dust.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“It has been deserted for so many years. A-aah, if only the monsters could clean it up for us, that’d be amazing.”

As Selina covered her mouth with a cloth, she cleaned up the dust that had been piled up here and there. Sana and Luna were looking through the scattered furniture.

Sana was humming as she was checking over the details of the chairs and desks, while Luna was also humming while picking up the small furniture. The two sorted out the items based on their condition–ones that could be used, ones that could be used after repair, and ones that could only be thrown away.

“Hmm, this one is also not good. This is broken too, damn it–”

“Sana, this one is no good too, I guess?”

“It is. I wonder if all of the furniture in this house should be replaced with new ones–?”

“Yes, we need furniture if we want this house to be inhabitable.”

Hearing their conversation, Eleanor and Selina heaved a sigh at the same time.


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There were many houses that had been destroyed by the monsters in this residential area, but there were also houses that could be inhabited as long as the dust were to be removed. Still, the interior of the houses were too neglected.

Several other adventurers were helping the four of them to restore the houses back to an inhabitable condition, but the manpower was still overwhelmingly insufficient.

Habrik was going to neighborhood towns and kingdoms in order to discuss whether or not the quests that had arrived at the quest retrieval places could be shared or not. Gossendorf was also going here and there, trying to find merchants who would be willing to head to this nameless kingdom to do trades.

Their main task was to find quests that would increase the number of adventurers that would be living here, as well as to have merchants coming to this area as a place where they could make some earning.



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“As expected, having a small amount of manpower is hard, huh…”

Currently, the ones living in this nameless kingdom were Eleanor and the girls–four of them–, Habrik, Gossendorf, Sana and Luna’s mother who was still sleeping, and around one hundred adventurers.

After the completion of [Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle], Egil brought Sana and Luna’s mother along from their old home. The two’s mother was currently sleeping due to an unknown illness. She was currently sleeping in a room inside this castle while they were looking for a method to heal her.

Among the adventurers who had gathered, Hart Suarez, who was fighting with them during the [Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle] quest, was also present. After receiving the memento from his guild mate from Egil–the Divine Power Stone, he tearfully said his thanks and apologized over and over again for escaping.

Of course, Egil didn’t blame anyone for that at all.

Everyone understood the reason why Hart fled–it was to stop feeling pain. Perhaps he was glad with everyone’s responses that he moved to this nameless kingdom and since then, he had been working devotedly. But rather than cleaning up the residential area, he assisted by protecting this nameless kingdom from uninvited guests.


And at that time, a sound that was similar to something exploding resounded in the ears of the four girls.

“Again, huh…?”

“Good grief, how persistent.”

The four of them sighed at the sound of an explosion that echoed throughout the house.

After clearing the quest [Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle], the monsters were also restless and invaded the area almost every day, trying to take back the land that was originally the monsters’ den.

Furthermore, the request for the [Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle] quest was still ongoing.

“The adventurers are working hard too, so it’s going to be alright.”

Since Habrik and Gossendorf requested protection for the kingdom from various quest retrieval places, lots of adventurers came in order to protect the kingdom alternatively day and night in exchange for some remuneration.

They were able to do so, surely thanks to Egil’s activities and fame as an adventurer so far.

However, Selina gazed at the scenery outside the window with a slight concern on her face.

“But is the person, who specially came here during the time when Egil-san is away, really alright? Since Habrik-san and Gossendorf-san introduced him, I’m sure he is strong, but…”

“The truant who was looking through the window on top of the rampart…?”

“S-Sana! You can’t think that way of someone who is lending us their power!”

“No, I mean… Hey, aren’t you worried, Eleanor-san?”

Sana said as she looked at Eleanor whose hands were on the table. Eleanor answered with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

“No, I am not worried at all.”

Hearing her clear answer, the other three raised their voices in confusion, “Hmm?”


This chapter is brought to you by Convallaria’s Library (convallariaslibrary(dot)com). If you’re reading this elsewhere, then you’re reading from a site who’s stolen our translation. Please do not support theft and read at Convallaria’s Library! It’s free, and by doing so, you’re supporting the original translator 🙂

Ever since then, Eleanor hadn’t told the identity of Silva to the other three girls. The reason was so that it wouldn’t make the three of them fuss about it pointlessly. That’s why she was planning on talking about it after Egil returns.

A little while after the sound of the first explosion reverberated, the noises that were heard in the distance also suddenly stopped.

“It’s quiet, isn’t it…?”

“Indeed. It’s usually noisy, though.”

Eleanor and Selina were looking outside the window as they talked when…


“Oiii, Misses–, the intruders have been driven away, you know?”

Silva suddenly entered the house and said with a broad smile towards the four girls.

Selina’s eyes widened.

“Eh, but… it’s only been a while since the battle started, right?”

Only several tens of minutes had passed since the sound of the explosion was heard. If it was the usual, it felt like the battle would finally be finished when the sun was setting; so if it was ended as soon as this, it would be way too fast.

Eleanor was also surprised by this. But Silva’s face looked as if he was saying, ‘Why are you surprised?’ as he leaned his back on the wall.

“The monsters who came to attack this place were all weak. I could win in a flash against things like them.”

“Winning in a flash… Are you really… that strong?”

“Oi, oi, Selina-chan, don’t you trust me at all? This old man is so sad–”

“U-uhm, that’s not it… Then, what about the other adventurers?”

“Hm, if it’s them, they’re looking at the sky with a dazed expression, aren’t they? While muttering about how easy this job is, right?”

Silva roared with laughter while the four girls heaved a sigh.


This chapter is brought to you by Convallaria’s Library (convallariaslibrary(dot)com). If you’re reading this elsewhere, then you’re reading from a site who’s stolen our translation. Please do not support theft and read at Convallaria’s Library! It’s free, and by doing so, you’re supporting the original translator 🙂

“This isn’t an easy job, it’s just that you are so strong, isn’t it?”

Eleanor absent-mindedly murmured, before she clapped her hands with a particularly loud voice.

“Then, it might be a bit too early, but shall we have our lunch?”

“Oh, lunch?! Hyahhoi! This old man is already starving.”

Silva said with a delightful expression. He was just about to leave the house with his back facing the girls, but he then turned around as if he just remembered something, then he questioned Eleanor.

“Aah, that’s right. Speaking of which, are ya really going to process this area into a proper kingdom?”

“As for whether it is going to be a kingdom or not, it hasn’t been decided yet… Egil-sama thinks that it’s better to declare that after the population has increased.”

“Even if there’s no people, you can just declare it as a kingdom normally. Also, I heard that this area has become the destination place for quests. Is that alright?”


Eleanor explained Egil’s thoughts on what to do with this area.


This nameless kingdom was still officially named as the Goliath Fortress, and perhaps lots of people still considered it so. However, most of the kingdoms created by the adventurers were born from places that could be considered as the monsters’ den at first just like this place.

If one wants to establish an area as a kingdom, there are various ways.

One of them is to have another kingdom that has ties with them to announce the founding of a nation throughout the continent. But this comes with a prerequisite, and that is to have the leader of the nation to have their position as an S-rank adventurer established, or the person is required to own a land vast enough to build a kingdom.

Egil fulfilled the first scenario. However, the preparations to declare this area as a kingdom hadn’t been readied yet–this kingdom didn’t even have a name yet–, so it hadn’t been declared throughout the continent yet.

If it is difficult to establish a nation, one can ask the Felistina kingdom to declare this area as one that belongs to it. But Egil didn’t do this one either. The reason is because they have the objective of using this place to cultivate a drug called Alohain that can destroy its consumers’ mind and body.

Alohain is originally a kind of vegetation that grows in a damp place with a high humidity, but according to the document that Egil read, at a fixed interval, the Goliath Fortress would abruptly have a high temperature and high humidity, which would make this a fitting environment for cultivating Alohain. If this area were to be handed over to the Felistina kingdom, there would be a high possibility that Alohan–whose cultivation and trade are forbidden–would be widespread throughout the world, and the harm it could cause wouldn’t be limited to this continent alone. Putting aside the noble idea of saving the continent or even the world by its extension, Egil just didn’t want to belong to the Felistina kingdom.



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