The last chapter of Lise and Wizard’s story!! Enjoy~!

Chapter 38



Rose quickly grew up to be 10 years.

She was specialized at climbing the trees and taking the fruits to be eaten in exchange of snacks.

The two parents kept their watch over towards the energetic Rose.

It was the daily routine in the mansion.

This chapter is translated by Convallaria’s Library (, so please continue to read there. Drop some comments to show your support over there. If you are seeing this, then that means you’re reading from another site that simply stole our translation, and you will keep seeing this message a few times.

“Rose-sama! Please come down! Ladies can’t do something like that.”

Rose turned a deaf fear on Vinan’s scolding, as he was the person in charge for her education.

“I hate Vinan who’s so nosy!”

“If you continue to do things like that, I shall report it to Wizard-sama!”

“Just don’t do that! Papa will be worried and cry.”

“Then, please come down.”


This chapter is translated by Convallaria’s Library (, so please continue to read there. Drop some comments to show your support over there. If you are seeing this, then that means you’re reading from another site that simply stole our translation, and you will keep seeing this message a few times.

Since it couldn’t be helped, Rose climbed down the tree, but she lost her footing.


Rose fell down and broke her neck.

She died in that instant.

Lise and Wizard grieved so hard for their only daughter that things never stayed the same anymore.

Maybe this time they should take another flower selling girl to be their daughter.

And maybe you should read the clean version at the translator’s site, as if you are seeing this line, then you’re totally reading it at another site that steals others’ contents.

At that moment, a soldier who was riding on a horse appeared.

He caught the falling Rose in his arms.

Vinan was so relieved and stood up straight again.

“Uhm… thank you very much.”

“You shouldn’t climb the trees anymore, okay?”

Being persuaded that gently, Rose nodded.

She learned later on that the soldier was someone from the neighboring country.

It seemed that he came to meet her father.

This chapter is translated by Convallaria’s Library (, so please continue to read there. Drop some comments to show your support over there. If you are seeing this, then that means you’re reading from another site that simply stole our translation, and you will keep seeing this message a few times.

Rose blushed as she sent him off until the man’s figure couldn’t be seen anymore.

It was the beginning of Rose’s first love.

However, that is the story for another time.



Translator’s Comment:

And that is the end of Wizard and Lise’s story! (Really, this chapter is the shortest). We’re finally done! I was kinda hoping there would be more children as I thought Wizard wouldn’t hold back that much, lol.

The rest of the story (chapter 39-52) will be about Rose and that soldier… and just to let everyone know, their age difference will be 20 years. I was personally surprised when I learned of their age difference… Ah well. As of now, I have no plan to continue to Rose and that soldier’s story; I will be focusing more on my other series.

What are your thoughts on it?



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