Special thanks to AO-san for commissioning me to translate this series and for letting me publish it for everyone to read 🙂

Yes, this is a commissioned translation, not a series I am picking up. Since there will be lots of parts later on, I have made the table of content here.

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Chapter 5

A Home Where Our Family Could Return to


Part 2/3


The first thing that was catchy to the eyes was the giant flag with the kingdom’s crest embroidered with golden thread on the blue cloth. Then, a big starway entered their eyes, and the speckless vermillion carpet was laid out. On that seemingly superb road, Eleanor and the rest walked while being monitored by the knights.

After climbing up the stairs and walking straight in the corridor, they arrived right in front of the throne room. The royal bodyguards opened the door where a small voice could be heard.



Eleanor and the others entered the room as the knights’ line of sight lingered at their backs.

The throne room was installed with a slightly bluish stone. Right in front of it laid a transparent glass that could oversee the whole kingdom. And the man sitting at the throne in front of it was glancing at Eleanor and the others.


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“Are you the people who sought an audience?”

The man had a white beard and adorned himself in high class clothes. He seemed to be in his fifties. Looking at his majestic appearance, it was evident at a first glance that this person was the king.

Eleanor looked at Silva. He returned a cheerful smile to her, despite standing right in front of the king.

–He won’t be lending a hand from hereon.

His gaze conveyed this meaning. Eleanor also knew that she couldn’t ask for Silva’s helping hand more than this. After all, this one step was for the sake of Egil, Eleanor and the others, as well as their own kingdom.

All of them bowed their heads in front of the king.


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While receiving the gazes from the king and the knights, Eleanor walked a step forward and curtseyed.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Eleanor Cafon Lunde Cornelia. I was formerly Cornelia kingdom’s third princess, and I am currently the wife of an S-rank adventurer named Egil Voltz.”

As she gave her name, her voice didn’t waver a bit, despite having everyone’s eyes on her.


“The purpose of my trip today is to make a request to Your Majesty, Felistina kingdom’s king, King Gweth Alta Felistina.”

“…Hm. Say it.”

Gweth turned his sharp gaze while answering with his low and deep voice, his thoughts upon hearing Eleanor’s words remained in mystery. However, they couldn’t convey their thoughts without taking the initiative and by only hesitating to talk. That was why Eleanor continued her words as she stood imposingly.


“Previously, we participated in the Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle quest along with Egil Voltz, one of the S-rank adventurers. The other day, Egil captured that fortress and subjugated herds of monsters. –Therefore, we were thinking of turning that land into the kingdom of adventurers.”


Gweth responded briefly as if he was surprised, but he didn’t show any hint of surprise in his expression. Just as they were about to be engulfed in the atmosphere and be silent, Eleanor communicated their request.


“We are aware that the Felistina kingdom wants Goliath fortress’ territory. It’s just, we… Egil’s purpose is to build a fortress that can help the powerless people in that land. That’s why, please, I’d like you to cancel the quest that you are currently requesting and declare to the whole continent that a new kingdom was found.”

Gweth’s expression didn’t change or twitch at all.

Then, after a while, Gweth turned his gaze towards the minister who was making notes nearby.


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“…Bring the list of the quests we are currently requesting.”


The minister disappeared into the adjoining room in no time, before he returned with a big book in his hand.

It was the record of the quests that the kingdom was currently requesting. Gweth scanned the book book from the beginning to the end, then he heaved a small sigh.


“…In conclusion, we accept your request.”

Selina, Sana, and Luna who were behind Eleanor, showed a relieved expression upon hearing that their request was readily accepted.


“…In addition, about the Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle quest… Felistina kingdom didn’t request it.”


Hearing his words, Eleanor couldn’t help but be surprised.

Gweth’s expression hadn’t changed at all. There wasn’t any fluctuation in his eyes’ blinking, nor was there any part of his body that shook or jolted even a little bit. It felt like he wasn’t telling a lie at all.


“That is, what do you…?”

“Like I stated. We have never made such kind of request.”


Selina reacted in her shock, but when others’ gazes were headed towards her, she quickly lowered her head. In exchange, Eleanor conveyed what she was about to say.


“However, Felistina kingdom’s name is really written as the requester of that quest. In addition, a guild that’s directly under the kingdom participated in it.”

“T-that’s right! Eksvein-san from Felistina Chivalric Order was even in charge of it!”

As Sana interjected, some of the surrounding knights slightly reacted. Then, Gweth’s expression changed for the first time, his eyes widened in surprise.


“…Eksvein, you said?”

At that moment. Silva, who went to Eleanor’s side, opened his mouth.

“…This is a bit strange. We’d better visit again next time.”

His expression was serious, and Eleanor herself realized that the atmosphere in her surroundings was strange.


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“…Your Majesty. Apologies, but would it be alright for us to come tomorrow for another audience?”

“Hum, we also have a schedule after this. Let’s have the matter of the declaration of the kingdom for another day.”

“We’d like to thank you for having this audience with us.”

Looking at Gweth nodding, Eleanor and the others left the place. Then, at that time, Gweth stopped Silva,

“–Silva-dono1, come here again next time.”


In response to his words, Silva said, “A’right,” and turned his heels.

Eleanor didn’t understand at all, why would the king call Silva, a mere adventurer, with the ‘-dono’ title of honor? However, now’s not the right time to be asking that.

Eleanor and the others left the royal castle full of satisfaction.


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The castle town’s sky was already dyed in the red sunset, and even if they were to use a horse carriage now, it’d be dark halfway through.

“Let’s stay in the inn around here for today, shall we?”

Obviously, one would want to avoid being attacked by monsters, who’d be coming out during the night. After Eleanor said that, Selina and the rest nodded.


Then, they moved to the inn that was in the castle town, and upon arriving at the inn’s room, Eleanor and the others let out their uneasy expressions.

Eleanor and Selina were sitting on a chair, Sana and Luna were sitting on the bed, while Silva and Rino were leaning against the wall. Each one of them was having a serious expression while they were lost in their thoughts, and the air was somehow heavy. Amidst all that, Silva opened his mouth.

“…Looking at their response, it seems that they might really have no idea about it, huh?”

With a serious expression that was so unlike him, Silva recounted the strangeness of the situation.


“Right, did that quest even exist in the first place?”

When Rino turned her dubious gaze at Silva, Sana stood up.

“It existed! In addition, Eksvein-san and the others were, by the monsters…”

Sana stopped her words and closed her mouth there. Since she knew the ending of him, who was the leader of the Felistina Chivalric Order guild, she insisted that it was the truth. However, Rino, who wasn’t in that place at that time and wasn’t involved with the quest herself, remained unconvinced.


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“I am not doubting your words at all. It’s just, the king who should have requested the quest, turned out to be in the dark about the said quest, right? That is really weird.”

“Right? Well, in all probability, he really doesn’t know about it. So, as soon as we went back, he surely issued instructions to the knights to investigate that information.”

“…Is there a possibility that someone falsified the kingdom’s name and requested that quest?”

Eleanor asked the two of them about the thinkable possibility. However, the two just had a difficult expression on.


“It is impossible for a complete stranger to do so. And it’s also impossible to falsify a kingdom’s name.”

“I think so, too. In the first place, do you know how one can request a quest?”

“The proxy would be holding something that could verify the requestor’s identity, or the requestor themselves directly came to request it, right?”

Rino nodded at Selina’s answer.


“Yeah, that’s right. However, in case of a request from a monarch, the monarch would never directly come to the quest retrieval places themselves. After all, the monarch is a busy person, so unfortunately they wouldn’t have the time to go there in person. Then, in order for the monarch to request the quest, they’d need to fill out a form that they had to write their signature on as a proof, and it’d act as a proof of their identity for the proxy.”

“Speaking of which, the proxy couldn’t just be anyone. The ones that could write a request for a quest in the stead of the monarch… most likely they’d be the monarch’s close aides.”

“Then, is it possible for King Gweth to recognize the person who made that request?”


Luna tilted her head at Eleanor’s question.


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“If that is the case, the king knows who the person who could request it, right…?”

“Most likely. Well, it’s not like we know about it, though.”

Silva raised both of his hands to stretch, then he turned towards the room’s exit.


“For now, I am really glad to know that Felistina kingdom isn’t after the nameless kingdom where you girls are living in. Then, we’ll be around here and will come back again tomorrow morning.”

“Good night,” Silva said as he left the room, and Rino also left the room as if following Silva. There were only the four girls inside the room, and each and every one of them were gathered on top of the bed.

“Eleanor, is it just me or do you also have a bad feeling about this…?”

“No, I also feel the same way.”

Eleanor nodded at Selina’s words. Then, Sana and Luna also expressed their similar opinions.


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“Eksvein-san and the others were certainly there. They were seriously trying to complete the quest… Besides, in front of our eyes, they… Despite that, why…?”

“Sana… Eleanor-san, what are we going to do from hereon?”

“That’s right…”

Even after thinking about it, she didn’t come up with a good idea.


“Let’s have another audience with the king tomorrow. That is the only thing we can do for now.”

After saying that, Eleanor and the others readied themselves for tomorrow.



The inn that was a joint establishment with a tavern was still boisterous until before, but now it fell completely silent. Not a single room had lights on, and in the room where Eleanor and the others stayed in, only the four girls’ even breathing could be heard.

Selina, Sana, and Luna were sleeping as they were huddling to one another, while Eleanor was sleeping with her body very close to Selina. The four girls’ figures as they wore matching negligees were illuminated by the moonlight.

Silva and Rino were staying in other rooms, so there were only the four girls in this room.


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Amidst the stillness, the room’s door was opened by itself. Without making any noise at all.

There was a faint sound of steps on the wooden floor, but it completely didn’t enter the ears of the four girls who were deep in their sleep.

That person stopped in front of the bed where the four girls were sleeping.

The one illuminated by the moonlight was a girl with around 160 cm of height. Her whole body was masked in dark clothes suitable for assimilating with the dark night. Her clothes were fitted to her body and it appeared to be easy to move in. The black hair that extended until her shoulder was blending with the darkness. The red lips that contrasted with it was slightly opened.



There was no smile on her expression as she muttered with a small voice that seemed as if she was about to be squeezed to death, and it contained a hint of sadness somewhere.

“–To enter someone’s room without making any sound, what an impolite fellow you are, huh…?”

However, there was suddenly a voice from the doorway. When she turned around, Rino was standing there with a large sword riding on her shoulder.

“…Oh my, have you been expecting my arrival here?”

The girl smiled as if she was jesting. Her voice was coquettish and contained sensuality. Rino shook her head.


“…It’s Silva’s order. So that they won’t be exposed to any danger.”

“Aah, so it’s him. Then, did you come here because you realized I had come here?”

The girl who didn’t tremble a bit, turned her gaze towards Rino before she switched it to Eleanor and the others who opened their eyes.

They woke up due to the two’s conversation.


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“Who are you…?”

“You’ve woken up, huh? Too bad.”

Hearing those words, Rino laughed scornfully.


“Haa, you don’t seem like you really think it’s too bad, though…?”

“That is not true. Truthfully, I only thought of seeing her face without her seeing mine, then return.”

Saying that, the girl looked at the four girls–or more precisely, at Eleanor.


“Pleased to meet you. I am Alma Lannister. I am an adventurer, just like you guys, and I am really pleased to make your acquaintance from here on… Oh my, since I am not wearing a dress today, this greeting might be peculiar.”

Alma pinched her hem as if she was trying to make a greeting one normally did when they wore a dress, then she chuckled. Eleanor and the others went down from the bed in a fluster and distanced themselves from her.

“…Alma Lannister… Alma Lannister from the guild [Chains of the Fresh Blood], is it?”

Rino had heard about her, and her gaze turned sharper as she looked at Alma.

“Yeah, that’s right. For you to look at me so zealously like that… Is something the matter?”

“No, I was just trying to recall if your face was really like that.”

“Rino-san, what do you mean?”

Eleanor asked Rino as she let down her sword that was riding her shoulder to the floor.


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“…No, her appearance is different from what I heard. Or more precisely, her face is different, I guess.”

“Her face…”

Eleanor and the other girls weren’t that familiar with the other adventurers. Therefore, they couldn’t understand the meaning behind those words.

“Different face… so is she someone else?”

Selina retrieved her beloved katana that was put nearby, while Sana and Luna also took their weapons in their hands in vigilance.


“Eleanor-san, I don’t really understand the meaning behind that talk earlier, but this person being here means…”

“She’s someone who’s after our lives, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, that might be it.”




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  1. ‘-dono’ means ‘Lord’ or ‘Mr.’