Special thanks to AO-san for commissioning me to translate this series and for letting me publish it for everyone to read 🙂

Yes, this is a commissioned translation, not a series I am picking up. Since there will be lots of parts later on, I have made the table of content here.

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Chapter 5

A Home Where Our Family Could Return to


Part 3/3


There was a bed between Alma and the four girls. This room wasn’t that spacious. There was a desk and chairs, while the bed was almost at the edge of the room. Thus, even if one weren’t a skillful adventurer, they’d be able to easily get closer.

“There’s no need to be on guard like that.”

Rino slowly shortened the distance between her and Alma. Alma lifted both of her hands as if saying that she harbored no hostility, then she smiled cheerfully.


“I didn’t intend to bring harm to any of you, after all.”

“…Do you think we’d believe you, after you entered this room without notice while everyone was deep asleep?”

“Well, that is true. But I really came here just to see her.”

Alma smiled at Eleanor. At one glance, her expression was elegant and harbored no hostility, but there was a sense of discomfort from her smiling face somewhere.


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“Why me…?”

“Hmm, well…”

Alma slightly pondered before she quickly clapped her hands and shook her head.


“Apologies, I can’t say that now. My objective is only you–I only came here to see Eleanor-san.”

“…Do you expect us to believe that?”

“This is hard. If that’s the case, shall I excuse myself for today?”

Alma turned her back at Eleanor and the others, but Rino was blocking her way to the door that led to the corridor.


“You think I’d let you?”

“Uhm, I’ll have you excuse me. After all, I have somewhere I must go at all costs.”

“Is that so? That’s too bad. You won’t be able to arrive at that place where you must go.”

As Rino swung the large sword with her left hand, she put her strength into her palm in order to use magic.


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“–Lend me your power, the God of Flames!”

The large sword was twisted by spiraling flames as if responding to the words she had spun. The interior of the room turned bright in an instant, but Alma’s smile didn’t change a bit.

“Flame Warrior, are you? An occupation that you can get  once you’re an A-rank adventurer. No matter how I look at it, it’s such a beautiful flame.”

“You think you still have a leeway now–?!”

Rino shortened her distance to Alma with one jump. Eleanor and the others who were at a slightly distant place already felt the heat as if their skin was burnt, so Alma who was closer to Rino should be feeling the unbearable heat.


“I truly just visited to see her face, though.”

However, Alma easily dodged Rino’s large sword that was swung at her. There wasn’t the slightest change in that beautiful face of hers.

The flames around the large sword burned the floor, creating a large hole. Looking at it, Alma had a difficult expression pasted on her face.


“…If one were to get hit even once by it, they’d melt. My clothes got slightly burnt, too.”

“Tch, don’t put on the airs of someone who’s having a leeway…”

“It’s different from having a leeway. Afterall–”

Alma turned her back on Rino, went up on the bed, and walked straight towards Eleanor and the others.


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“Soon, I will end up not having the free time to keep you company.”

“That, what do you mean by that…?”

Was it simply something to distract their attention so that she could escape? Nobody could tell.

However, it didn’t seem like all that she said was only a lie. If her objective of coming here were really to kill Eleanor, she’d have done that already. As someone who could lightly avoid Rino’s attack, she had the ability to do that. However, her not doing that, wouldn’t that mean Alma really just came here to see Eleanor?


“Eleanor, what are we going to do?”

“We have to stop her, Eleanor-san.”

“But how do we stop her?”

The three of them had weapons in their hands, but they were at a loss on how they should proceed.



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–At that time.

“Oi, the kingdom is…!”

Silva rushed up the corridor. Unlike his usual dubious appearance, he he was in quite a flustered state.


“Oh my, long time no see.”

“Alma… is it?”

“Yes, that’s right. I didn’t think we’d see each other here.”

“Yeah, agreed. So, what’s the situation here?”

Alma heaved a sigh, perhaps thinking that the situation just worsened with Silva’s arrival.


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“I only came to see her. It isn’t like I intended on bringing harm to anyone.”

“…Is that so?”

“Oi, Silva! This fellow came here, didn’t that mean she wanted to attack them?! If that is the case…”

“No, it’s fine. For now… If you’re done, just leave.”


Ignoring Rino’s words, Silva told Alma to run away from the window.


“Yeah, that’s what I’m planning to do.”

Alma approached Eleanor and the others who were by the window.


The other three girls looked at Eleanor while still holding their weapons. The target of their gazes, Eleanor, failed to grasp the situation.


“…If you don’t mean any harm, then we also won’t lay our hands on you. You really came here just to see my face, didn’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right. I really didn’t have any intention to do anything else.”

Saying that, Alma put her feet on the window’s edge. Then, she looked at Eleanor.


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“Is he doing well?”


“Egil Voltz. Is he doing fine?”

Eleanor didn’t understand why Alma asked something like that. But, she understood that Alma knew about Egil.


“He’s alright, but…”

“Is that so? Then that’s good. However–”

Alma finally said.


“It’d be better for him to hurry and return home. If not, he’d regret it.”

“What do you–”

“Well then, let’s meet again later.”

However, by the time Eleanor was about to ask, Alma was no longer there.

She had already run on the street at night, going away from Eleanor and the others.


“Eleanor, what did her words earlier mean?”

“Who knows? I also don’t understand.”

“By ‘home’, our home is the nameless kingdom, right?”

“That’s right, Sana… But, what kind of meaning is there, I wonder?”


“–Oi, Silva! Why did you let her escape?!”

While Eleanor and the others were thinking, Rino looked like she was about to eat Silva, who had let Alma escape.


“…She didn’t bring any weapon, did she? She didn’t have any intention of attacking, from the very beginning.”

“Even so, I don’t buy it! She might have the power of her occupation–”

“–Her occupation isn’t something that specializes in battle, even you know about it, don’t you?”

“…Even so. Anyway, Silva. You, are you hiding something from me?”

“…I wonder about that?”

Silva answered ambiguously as he turned his gaze towards Eleanor and the others.


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“More importantly, young girls. It’s sudden, but we’re returning to the nameless kingdom.”

“Right now?”

“Yeah, immediately.”

Silva seemed hesitant to say, but he continued his words unapologetically.


“–There was an attack at the nameless kingdom. Our allies had sent a report that said so.”

“The kingdom, is…?”


Silva only said that before he went down to the inn’s first floor. Rino followed suit after him. Eleanor and the other girls were still frozen, unable to immediately understand what they were told about.

However, Selina quickly ran towards the room’s exit.

“H-hurry! You three too, hurry!”

Eleanor, Sana, and Luna came to their senses at Selina’s voice, and then they also exited the inn.

They promptly boarded on a carriage that was on standby near the castle town’s exit, leaving Felistina kingdom behind. In the middle of the journey, Silva began explaining while handling the two horses.


“…It seemed to happen not too long after we left the kingdom. Some strangely dressed guys seemed to come attacking.”

“S-strangely dressed, what kind of outfits?!”

“Eleanor, calm down… Listen first.”

Eleanor was flustered that her breath also turned rough. Even Selina, the one who told her to calm down, was looking at Eleanor with an anxious expression.


“Apologies, I lost my composure just now.”

“No, it’s natural that you’d feel agitated. But the ally who sent us the report also didn’t understand everything. That’s why they only told us what they had heard. The ones who attacked the nameless kingdom were surely some country. They seemed to wear matching armors, after all. But that’s not only it, I was told that there was a group that wore a different white uniform. Their purpose is unknown, and it seemed that it was impossible to talk it through with them.”

“Impossible to talk it through, in other words… they’re still humans, right?”

“By ‘impossible to talk it through’, it seems that they wouldn’t heed anything. They seemed to be talking within themselves, but it’s most likely that their objective wouldn’t be reached just by talking alone. …That, and the condition of the white uniformed group among them seemed to be a little bit odd.”


“Rather than coming to attack the kingdom, they seemed to be looking for something around the area.”


They didn’t come to attack people, nor did they come in order to snatch the nameless kingdom’s territory. Being told that they were looking for something there, Eleanor and the others completely had no clue on what that thing might be.


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“Could it be that… Perhaps they are the ones who ordered the quest?”

“The quest of Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle?”

In response to Selina’s words, Silva nodded while still looking ahead at the direction in which they were going.


“Yeah, most  likely. It’s just, the information we have right now is too little, there might be something else more than what we already know. I feel like that’s how we should see this situation.”

“That’s right.”

Afterwards, nobody talked, but the anxiety that was inside the hearts of the girls continued to grow. Just like that, the horse carriage continued running, until they arrived at the nameless kingdom.



What was reflected in the eyes of the girls who had just arrived at the place that they should be calling home was a grand spectacle.

When Egil departed from this place, and even when Eleanor and the others departed from this place, there were only a few people living here, and to Eleanor and the other girls, this kingdom was a place that they could call as their home. But now, it was crowded as if it was surrounded by lots of knights, even the entrance was flooded with people. Then, hidden among the knights that were extensively swarming was confirmed to be a group of people who wore white robes that were different from the knights.


“That is… is that the Congregation?”

Hearing Eleanor’s words, Selina let out a loud voice in her surprise.

“The Congregation?! Why would a group of people who worship god be here?”

They were a group that worshiped and believed in [The Legendary God Hephais] which was the god who created the monsters that couldn’t be talked to in this world, and the god who created holy stones that bestowed the power of occupations to adventurers.

It was unclear why those people would be in this place, but Eleanor, Silva, and Rino immediately knew that they were the Congregation.



The place that they swore to protect without fail, was now trampled by other people.

Looking at such a spectacle, rather than anger, sadness welled up inside Eleanor’s heart.

And that was the same for the other three girls.


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“Stop… Stop it… This is the home where Egil-san can return to!”

Selina balled up her fist while raising her voice.

“Why is it? Why are they disturbing us like this?!”

“This is the home where we can live happily in…”

Sana and Luna were trembling in sadness.


–At that time.

[–Eleanor! Selina! Sana! Luna!]

Fie’s voice was transmitted through Phoenix who could be contacted, and who was also traveling together with them.

Through Golfas, Fie could see the current situation of the nameless kingdom.

Eleanor was troubled over how to answer, but the first words that came out of her mouth were those of apology.


“…Fie-san… Fie-san, I’m sorry.”

Although she had promised to protect this place, she failed to do so. If Egil were here, surely things wouldn’t become like this.

Thinking like that, she could only apologize for her helplessness.


[Eleanor, what’s the matter?!]

Hearing Egil’s voice caused her tears to fall. They couldn’t protect the home where they could return home to, the place that they had to protect at all cost.

“Egil-sama… I’m really, sorry…”

[Save your apology for later! What’s going on? Tell me!]

Even as her voice trembled and she was attacked by a heart-wrenching pain, Eleanor still tried to report the current condition.



However, she couldn’t continue talking afterwards.

It wasn’t because she was confused on what to report, but it was because she didn’t know how she should apologize for it. (T/N: I’m sorry but didn’t Egil just tell her to apologize later? X”D)

When she turned to look at the other three girls, they also showed a stressful expression. Nobody said anything. About the ruthless current situation. Although he was working hard in order to move forward, they couldn’t protect the home where he could return to.

The call was cut short just as they had come to their senses.


“…Young girls. Isn’t it still too early to give up?”

Silva said, and Eleanor wiped her tears after hearing that.

It was easy to apologize or break down crying. After all, it’d be finished without doing anything.

However, Eleanor and the others decided not to let go of the place they had already cherished, of its precious existence.


“Silva-san. Rino-san. Please lend us your power… Together, to protect the place where Egil-sama… the man we love, the place where he can return to.”

They didn’t have the power to instantly change the war situation like Egil. Even so, they’d do anything they could in order to retrieve this place.

Eleanor bowed her head at the two of them. Following her, Selina, Sana, and Luna also lowered their heads.


“Yeah, of course. I also take responsibility for this.”

“I’m fine with it as well. I’m still quite vexed because that Alma fellow managed to escape.”

The two nodded, promising them that they’d lend their power.


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“Thank you, very much… We will definitely take back the home where Egil-sama and Fie-san can return to.”

“I don’t want to see Egil-san being sad, after all.”

“Let’s do this. We will absolutely take this place back!”


Eleanor wiped her tears again and arranged her strained breath before she looked at the place that was supposed to be a home where they could return to.


“Let’s go. This nameless kingdom…”

Although it was no longer the nameless kingdom.


“The kingdom that Egil-sama created–In order to take back the Voltz kingdom.”

Eleanor and the others looked at the kingdom. Even though they didn’t know how the result would be. Would it be the right thing to do, or the incorrect thing to do? Only the future could show them the way.

Even so, they weren’t afraid now. After all, they had an unshakeable feeling of wanting to take back the home where they could return to–.



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